Club Policies.

  • Constitution.

    This outlines the aims and rules of our Club. It’s a statement of what we do and how we do it. It helps things run smoothly.

  • Code of Conduct.

    A set standards for acceptable behaviour to maintain a quality Club culture. To be upheld by all involved in Club activities.

  • Safeguarding for adults

    How we maintain a safe and positive environment at Weymouth Volleyball Club for all adults to participate in volleyball.

  • safeguarding for children

    How we maintain a safe and positive environment at Weymouth Volleyball Club for all young people to participate in volleyball

  • Consent Form.

    Parental Consent Form to be completed for new players aged 13y-17y. Required when attending their first session.

  • Data Protection.

    Principles, rules & guidelines showing how we protect personal data to ensure compliance with data protection laws.

  • Anti-bullying.

    We pride ourselves on creating a fun and supportive environment where bullying in any form is not acceptable.

  • Finance.

    We are a not for profit sports club, and you’ll find details of our financial affairs here.